Search Results
Can Neri Oxman's Biomimicry Designs REALLY Change the World?
Design at the Intersection of Technology and Biology | Neri Oxman | TED Talks
Built by Silkworms | Neri Oxman's "Silk Pavilion II" | ARTIST STORIES
3.5 bilion years old | Neri Oxman - Design Stories
Neri Oxman: On Designing Form
As the happy center | Neri Oxman - Design Stories
Neri Oxman: Biology, Art, and Science of Design & Engineering with Nature | Lex Fridman Podcast #394
The Future of Architecture, Part 2: Neri Oxman and the World of Material Ecology
How to come up with new ideas | Neri Oxman and Lex Fridman
NERI OXMAN - Bio Inspired Design
The Future of Architecture: Neri Oxman and the World of Material Ecology
Neri Oxman, Founder of Mediated Matter Lab -- Part 1